“Everything you judge about yourself served a purpose at the time.”

- Dr. Gabor Maté

Dr Owen Lello (he/him) (DClinPsy, MSc, BA (Psych), MAPS)

Experience and education: I have over eight years’ experience working as a clinical psychologist in a variety of settings, including community mental health teams, supporting people with complex mental health difficulties, inpatient units, working with people who are often in crisis, and more recently in private practice. Prior to working as a clinical psychologist, I worked in London as an Assistant Psychologist in a brain injury rehabilitation unit, following the completion of a Masters in Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience. I completed my Doctorate in Clinical Psychology after returning to Australia, writing my thesis on the effect of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy skills on suicidality in people with borderline personality disorder.

Experience and education: I have over ten years’ experience working as a clinical psychologist in a variety of settings, including community mental health teams, supporting people with complex mental health difficulties, inpatient units, working with people who are often in crisis, and more recently in private practice.

Prior to working as a clinical psychologist, I worked in London as an Assistant Psychologist in a brain injury rehabilitation unit, following the completion of a Masters in Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience. I completed my Doctorate in Clinical Psychology after returning to Australia, writing my thesis on the effect of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy skills on suicidality in people with borderline personality disorder.

My therapeutic approach: I am an integrative practitioner, drawing on several different approaches to tailor treatment to each individual, particularly psychodynamic and somatic theories which focus on the therapeutic relationship and the way the body holds onto our emotional experiences respectively. However, I also utilise cognitive and behavioural approaches when appropriate. I also believe that understanding a person’s past and growth and development is important in understanding their present situation, so find it useful to explore people’s upbringing and relationship history as part of the treatment process.

I have experience working with complex trauma and borderline personality disorder and have a particular interest working with these issues. As treatment for these difficulties is often long term, I believe cultivating a warm and trusting therapeutic relationship is of utmost importance. Even if the treatment period is short term, I believe establishing a good rapport is essential for any successful intervention. My view of therapy is that it is a collaborative process, and I don’t position myself as the “expert” with all the answers, instead I hope to foster a dynamic where we can search for growth and understanding together.  

I have completed training in the following therapies and incorporate them into my work: Psychodynamic Therapy, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Internal Family Systems Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Schema Therapy and Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing therapy (EMDR).

I am a board approved supervisor and approved to supervise clinicians undertaking the registrar program in clinical psychology.

I am proud to welcome members of the LGBTQI+ community.

I can help you with: Anxiety Disorders, Panic Attacks, Depression, Phobias, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Complex Trauma, Borderline Personality Disorder, Grief and Loss and a range of other emotional difficulties.

Where and when?


Level 1, 105 Victoria Street, Fitzroy, 3065 (Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri)

70A Sydney Road, Brunswick, 3056 (Wed)

Opening Hours:

Current clinic hours are:

Monday (9am-5pm)

Tuesday (1pm-8pm)

Wednesday (9am-5pm)

Thursday (10am-6pm)

Friday (8am-4pm)



Individual Therapy Session (50mins) $220

Supervision Session $180

*Please note that with a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan in place you will be eligible for a Medicare rebate of $141.85

Get started with Attune Psychology Melbourne.